H. Michael Steinberg has 42+ years of experience practicing Colorado criminal law. Mr. Steinberg strives to stay current with the ever changing aspects of criminal law issues and updates resulting in his extensive knowledge of successful criminal defense as well as appellate work. He is also an active member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar Association, the Colorado Trial Lawyer's Association, and the Colorado and Arapahoe Bar Associations.

Articles Posted in Juvenile Law and Sentencing

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Colorado School Searches: An Increase in the Protection of Student’s Privacy Rights
H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Juvenile Rights Criminal Defense Lawyer

Introduction – Illegal Colorado School Searches

An important decision by the Colorado Court of Appeals in 2021, In the Interest of C.C.-S, for the first time applied the protections of the exclusionary rule to violations of a juvenile’s constitutional rights that were the result of an illegal search and seizure by Colorado school officials.

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Understanding Colorado Juvenile Criminal Cases - First Know Your Client -Then Know The LawBy H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

H. Michael Steinberg has had extensive experience representing juveniles who have been charged having committed criminal acts. That experience spans the least serious traffic matters and minor misdemeanors to the most serious kinds of felony crimes.

“I have two “kids,” a son and a daughter. Both have become lawyers in the last two years (2018 -2019). One of my kids is a District Attorney, the other a criminal defense lawyer (go figure).

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Surviving The Colorado Juvenile Court System - Some Tips For Parents By A Juvenile Court Lawyer.jpgBy H. Michael Steinberg – Colorado Juvenile Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer

Understanding And Surviving The Colorado Juvenile Court System – Some Tips For Parents – The most critical component of success in the Colorado Juvenile Court System is the involvement of parents and family. What families find when they arrive in juvenile court is often chaos and what results in a very negative experience. That experience can be changed by understanding a few important concepts.

Every family knows that the success or failure of a member of that family can turn on the emotional, social, cultural, and financial support of the family. No one knows their children better than a parent. A parent is in the best position to give insight into the juvenile’s behaviors, past experiences and personal needs.

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After Your Child Is Arrested in Colorado - Juvenile Criminal Screening And The Detention Hearing - 1.jpg
By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyer

This article addresses Colorado Criminal Juvenile Criminal Case Defense – Tips On How To Be Your Child’s Advocate

Because Colorado juvenile criminal cases are different than adult cases, there are far fewer criminal defense lawyers involved especially at the investigative and filing of charges stages.

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While state legislators in Colorado may change this law sometime in the future – the present state of the law does not permit the expungement of juvenile sex crime record if the juvenile has been adjudicated (convicted) of a Colorado sex crime – even a misdemeanor.

When making the decision to go to trial or accept an alternative plea agreement – juveniles and their parents must be made aware of the inability to hide or to expunge or to otherwise keep this conviction from the possibility of a background check uncovering the conviction.

The impact of a sex crime on a juvenile’s future employment cannot be overstated. This adjudication can cause problems in future education, employment – even renting property. With the thoroughness of the comprehensive background checks now being performed – these crimes can be located much more easily.

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A recent article in the Denver Post finally addresses the most recent attempts by Colorado Schools – hopefully to be followed by the Colorado State legislature – to reverse years of Zero-Tolerance policies in Colorado’s Public Schools and in the Courts.

Last year in December – another excellent article in the Denver Post quoted a Magistrate Kent Spangler, a Fort Collins Judge, who had this to say:

“Kids won’t gain a respect for the law, for their parents, for teachers, for rules in general if they’re told ‘You’re wrong! You messed up!’ and don’t take the time to get at the root of the problem,”

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In a recent press release on the 1st Judicial District Website in Colorado – Scott Storey – the elected DA – approaches the increasing problem of Sexting with a reasoned eye – recognizing that which most experts in the field understand – it is a matter of “growing up” and “coming of age” .. that leads to an understanding of the proper boundaries between the genders. It is not a sex offender crime in most cases.

In the following reprinted web page – DA Storey explains his reasoning.

He is to be commended for his common sense and not knee jerk response – as is often the case in this area.