H. Michael Steinberg has 42+ years of experience practicing Colorado criminal law. Mr. Steinberg strives to stay current with the ever changing aspects of criminal law issues and updates resulting in his extensive knowledge of successful criminal defense as well as appellate work. He is also an active member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar Association, the Colorado Trial Lawyer's Association, and the Colorado and Arapahoe Bar Associations.
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Understanding Issues Surrounding Recanting A Statement In Colorado Criminal Domestic Violence Cases
By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Colorado Domestic Violence Cases And The Impact Of Recanting Alleged Victims

Colorado domestic violence criminal cases can have devastating consequences for those on both sides of the courtroom. In a very high percentage of these cases, the alleged victim (the victim) recants their statements to law enforcement. This article is focused on issues surrounding the “recanting”  where victims attempt to “take back” their statements or simply refuse to testify at trial.

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Understanding The Heat Of Passion Defense As Applied To Colorado Violent CrimesBy H. Michael Steinberg, Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Understanding The Colorado Heat Of Passion Defense: Definition And Legal Basis

The heat of passion “defense” is a legal defense strategy that seeks to mitigate the culpability of a person accused of certain Colorado crimes of violence. Unlike an affirmative defense, which is a complete defense to a conviction,  the heat of passion “defense” mitigates, reduces the statutory penalty for a conviction of the crime charged.

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Can-Hands-And-Feet-Qualify-As-Deadly-Weapons-Under-Colorado-Law-jpeg-300x200By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

The Definition Of Deadly Weapons Under Colorado Law

Under Colorado law, the definition of what constitutes a “deadly weapon” is specific, nuanced, and complex.

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By H. Michael Steinberg Experienced Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Colorado Stalking Law After Counterman vs Colorado 18-3-602Introduction To Colorado Felony Stalking 18-3-602

The crime of stalking, by its very nature, involves the repeated and unwanted attention by one person that causes fear or emotional distress in another – the alleged victim.

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Understanding The Crime Of Felony Menacing 18-3-206 In ColoradoBy H. Michael Steinberg Experienced Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

What IS The Crime Of Felony Menacing In Colorado?

Felony menacing in Colorado is a very serious criminal offense defined under Colorado state law as:

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By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Colorado-Sentencing-A-Lawyers-Duty-Is-To-Properly-Prepare-For-The-Sentencing-Hearing-300x169Introduction – The Sentencing Phase Of A Criminal Case Requires Thorough Preparation And Understanding The Judge’s Perspective

Understanding the significance of the sentencing hearing in the Colorado criminal justice system is essential to appreciating attorneys’ multiple and diverse roles in defending their clients. Sentencing hearings are a crucial stage in the legal process. They signal the change from – the heavily adversarial or “litigation stage” of a case – to the punishment stage.

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Colorado Criminal Law: Do I Need A Private Investigator? By H. Michael Steinberg, Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Introduction – First – Why A Criminal Defense Lawyer Cannot Be A “True Investigator”

The Role Of A Criminal Defense Lawyer

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By H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Introduction: Understanding The Concept Of A “Knowing And Intelligent Plea” Of Guilty In Colorado

Those charged with a crime in Colorado have at a minimum three fundamental Constitutional rights:

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Colorado-Criminal-Law-The-Impact-Of-Police-Body-Cam-Laws-24-31-902-CRS-By H Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Introduction – The Use Of Body Cameras In The Investigation And Prosecution Of Crimes In Colorado

I have watched in amazement, over the few years, as police body cam footage has revolutionized law enforcement in ways that have impacted, not only the most serious criminal cases, but the least serious criminal charges. While it has been a quiet revolution – there is little question that body cam has greatly impacted the prosecution and defense of criminal cases.

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Introduction - One Myth About Small Town Juries Addressed - Jury SelectionBy H. Michael Steinberg Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

Introduction – One Myth About Small Town Juries Addressed – Jury Selection

It is a commonly held belief that potential jurors in small towns are more likely to have multiple inherent conflicts of interest and therefore cannot fairly decide a criminal case. The reason… “everyone knows everyone.”  The law does not agree.  Knowing a trial participant, the accused, an alleged victim, or a witness in a criminal case, does NOT automatically disqualify a potential juror from sitting on a jury.